Chegutu Municipality has started embarking on the project to upgrade the sewer reticulation network through replacing old clogged AC pipes with PVC pipes.
Chegutu Municipality has resumed the installation of post-paid domestic water meters, with the view to ensure accurate billing of Municipal water and reducing non-revenue water.
Chegutu Municipality has prioritized rehabilitation and upgrading of the sewerage network in 2020, particularly in the old suburbs.
Chegutu Municipality has started replacing old sewer pipes and manholes to improve the sewer reticulation System, which is currently characterized by frequent sewer blockages.
Chegutu Municipality has embarked on a project to gravel and compact Kaguvi Phase IV roads, starting with the main ring road.
Chegutu Municipality has completed upgrading the ZRP Water Tower Tank. Three new pumps were installed to pump water from the ground level reservoir to the elevated tower tank for onward distribution to residents through gravity.