Banking Details

Please note that, you can also make your payments through depositing to the following accounts or swiping at one of our rates halls. After making a payment  inform our accounts department with your proof of payment or call this number: 0682152421 or you can alternatively use our live chat platform. Thank you

AGRI-BANK (Rates Account)----------Account number  108 00000 8376
CABS (Estate Account)--------------- --Account number  100 5015 988
STANBIC (Rates Account)--------------Account number   914 0000 441 049
AGRI-BANK (Estates Account)------- Account number  108 0000 17529
CBZ (Water Account)-------------------- Account number   618 6093 3920 027

When paying for Rates, Business Licences, Service Charges, Plan Approval Fees, Re-connection fees and Application fees please use the AGRI-BANK RATES ACCOUNT, branch is Chegutu.  When making payment for Kaguvi Phase 4 stands use the CABS ESTATES ACCOUNT. When making payment other than Kaguvi Phase 4 Stands use the AGRI-BANK ESTATES ACCOUNT.  For further clarity please feel free to chat with us on the live chat platform.