As the thrust on improving water supply to residents of Chegutu Municipality gathers momentum, the upgrading of the Chakari Water Tower Tank through the separation of the inlet and outlet pipe as well as the installation of new water pumps has been completed.
Completion of the project has eliminated the previous scenario where treated water had to fill up the tower tank first through the inlet and then the inlet valve would then be blocked to allow the same pipe to convey the water to the residents. Separation of the inlet and outlet pipes will ensure that as treated water gets into the tower tank, it is also concurrently conveyed to residents, thereby ensuring uninterrupted supplies and improved water pressure in the distribution network. The new pumps installed are also expected to improve pumping capacity at the tower tank. Completion of this project is expected to improve the availability of water in the High-Density suburbs and CBD. Kaguvi Phase 2 (DRC Suburb) which has not been receiving water is also expected to start accessing potable water.