The Town Clerk is the head of the organization or the Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for the overall management of the Council business. The Town Clerk Superintends overall council departments namely Finance, Central Administration, Health, Housing & Community Service and Engineering Department, which are all headed by Directors. Since joining Chegutu Municipality in 2005 the Town Clerk implemented a deliberate strategy of re-branding Chegutu Municipality into a credible, service delivery-oriented local authority, in the background where the organization’s systems had been weakened.
To achieve the re-branding objectives, it was necessary to recruit substantive Heads of Department and section heads to effectively and efficiently man the various portfolios of Council. Notably, between 2005 -2008. the local authority was not attractive to most qualified professionals hence filling of the vacant HOD posts such as Director of Central Administration/ Chamber Secretary, Director of Engineering Services and Director of Financial Services etc. However, we ultimately managed to fill in the above-stated positions with qualified and experienced professionals between 2009-2010 which set the stage for improvements on the service delivery front.
Service delivery is always a function of the working relationship between officials. Councillors and ratepayers and the Municipality has managed to strike the right codes in sustaining this relationship. The result has been a significant improvement in provision of such Municipal services as water supply and sanitation services, a highly accessible road network, with various low income, middle income and high income housing projects also being implemented to provide housing, industrial, commercial and institutional accommodation to the citizens of Chegutu and investors.
Contemporary local government practice demands sustainable working relationships between the local authority, residents, stakeholders and development partners. Over the past 10 years. Chegutu Municipality has nurtured viable working relations with its stakeholders such as residents' associations, business community. SMEs. development partners and government within the broader participatory development framework. Despite the current economic challenges. Chegutu Municipality continues to post significant progress both in terms of service delivery and capital development. Councillors, management and staff have a common purpose to improve the provision of services such as water and sanitation as well as housing delivery so that the built-up environment and the Municipal standards match with modern day cities. The Municipality has engaged the highest gear towards accelerating service delivery and we are proud of our achievements so far. and with residents/ ratepayers and other stakeholders playing their part, our efforts would not be stopped.
We continue to work closely with all the stakeholders towards making Chegutu Municipality a competitive urban habitat. We have the Internal Audit Section under the Town Clerk's Department.
The department is headed by the Director of Finance. The Finance Department attends to all finance related matters such as revenue collection and the expenditure control. Council has rates Halls/ payments points which are strategically located at Civic Centre, Pfupajena and Chegutu rates hall.
The Department of Finance is responsible for;
The core responsibility of the Municipality of Chegutu, like other local authorities established in terms of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act of 2013, is to provide municipal services and capital development to its + 50,000 citizens and; in accordance with parameters set out in the operative statute, the Urban Councils Act [Chapter. 29:15]; here in after called the Act. At section 133(1), the Act provides that a municipal council shall, in addition to any other departments of the council, establish a department responsible for the provision of administrative and secretarial services to the council, and such department shall be headed by a chamber secretary. At section 137, the said Act explicitly provides for the functions of the chamber secretary.
In addition to the designated functions of the chamber secretary, Government, through policy provisions and Council, in its operational wisdom, then assigned other responsibilities to the office of the chamber secretary. The Department has a total staff establishment of 89 but operating at a manpower level of 66, with the balance constituting unfilled posts. Notably, the establishment basically derives scientific value from the job evaluation exercise commissioned by Council and subsequently conducted by a reputable labour expert, Mark Jennings, in 2009.
Now Council has a conducive policy framework for enhanced operations. Major Policies such as the Strategic Plan, Clients Service Charter. Code of Conduct, Departmental Performance Frameworks. Valuation Roll etc are now in place. This has occasioned the significant strides posted on the service delivery and capital development front. Operations of local authorities, like any other organisation, are driven by policies, which spell out how work should be done and the quality standards expected. Invariably, a sound policy framework matched with implementation of the policies.
In line with best practices in local governance. Chegutu Municipality participated in the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) programmes aimed at nurturing sustainable relationships between local authorities and residents/ ratepayers in planning and implementing service delivery and capital development projects and programmes. The Chamber Secretary and the Mayor participated in 2014, while the Town Clerk and the Mayor also participated in 2015, while Cllr. Memory Banda also got involved in the programme in 2016. The programmes gave birth to the Chegutu Municipality Budget Sub Committee, which comprise 2 representatives from each ward, representatives of Residents' Associations, Business Community, SMEs, Church organisations and commercial transporters and Councillors. The Sub Committee is responsible for marketing and reviewing Municipal annual budgets to fellow rate payers.Council also participated in the STRAP programme from 2012-2015. which had the same objectives as ICLD.
The Central Administration is responsible for:
⦁ Provision of legal services.
⦁ Administrative and secretariat services.
⦁ Policy and coordination services.
⦁ Estates management and property valuation.
⦁ Human capital development.
⦁ Loss control and security services.
⦁ Emergency services.
⦁ Procurement of goods and services.
Presently, at Chegutu Municipality, the Chamber Secretary’s Department has the following 6 Sections
We operate from Monday to Saturday
Monday--------- Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Saturday--------7:30 am to 12 pm
Lunch Hour----1:00 pm to 2 pm